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Feedback/Ideas Forum

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  1. Force all users to logoff and re-authenticate

    Provide functionality for system administrators to force all users to logoff and re-authenticate before accessing the system again, including via two-factor authentication.

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  2. Government Buildings Cleaning Services

    We are experts in government building cleaning services in California. Call us to discuss your cleaning need with us and get a free quote!

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  4. Program or Organization Setting preventing Activities or Reports being added to closed cases

    We need to prevent users (by user group preferably) from adding activities and/or reports to cases that have been closed.

    We run 2 programs, one is our residential program which transitions folks onto their next chapter living outside of our facilities. As part of the services we offer, we enroll them into an "Aftercare" program which is for folks who don't live in our residential facilities. Sometimes, folks will accidentally enter activities on the closed case (not sure how they end up there, but it happens).

    This feels like it should already be a feature in a multi-program tool, so…

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  5. text appointment reminder at multiple intervals for clients on th GCM module

    Please add the ability to schedule multiple interval text appointment reminders in the program configurator. Clients could get a text reminder 5 days, 2 days, and 1 day before their scheduled appointment through eR.

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  6. Foster Family Website submissions - add Child Name option to alert subject line

    We were hoping to get a child's name appended to the subject line in the FFW alerts, since families often have more than one child. If they submit three "Clothing Receipts" items, it's easy to see them as identical. But if it says "Clothing Receipts (Child 1)", etc., that would be great.

    You can do this in the regular Email Alerts, so I'm voting for that option too!
    All we need though in Organization Settings -> Organization Preferences -> Family Web -> Emails -> Inbound Notifications from Families is a check box "Append Case Name to subject line".

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  7. Can we have a waitlist section under referral?

    We would like a seperate section other than "pending" to say waitlist.

    Also to see what is pending v Accepted in the monthly time frame.

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  8. Activity Triggered, nested in-screen Report Types

    We have a Participant Outcomes report type that we created to make it quick and easy for our workers to record non-goal outcomes, for the folks they support. Attached form guidance I sent out to the team for reference. This form records information almost ALWAYS that is learned/gathered during one of a many different Activity Types we've built for workers to account for time and add detail about the encounter with the people we serve.

    The feature I am requesting is that we be able to choose a setting to "Nest" this form into multiple Activities so the user will…

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  9. Add a "Save & Exit" button on the ribbon between "Cancel" & "Save".

    The "Save" button would be used to save your work in a report or activity and continue working to keep from losing information if there is a computer or internet glitch. The "Save & Exit" or "Save & Close" button would save your work and take you back to the previous screen which is what the current "Save" button does.

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  10. Custom "Marital Status" options on the Case Record

    In our implementation, we serve a very diverse population. We need to be able to categorize their "marital status" beyond the traditional. Single, Married, Divorced, and Widowed" options built into extendedReach. This seems like a no-brainer, as custom options are available in the home settings.

    Please add and vote!

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  11. Sync updates between User ID's & Staff Profiles

    If the staff's title or branch is changed in either the staff profile or user ID, that info should sync to the other. Better yet, combine the User ID's & the Staff profiles to one thing. Having them separate is confusing.

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  12. Sending Messages to Closed Homes

    Include the ability to post messages to "Closed" homes from eR.

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  13. Move Awaiting Approval above Workers on home screen

    Supervisors have a list of all workers on their screen, making the Awaiting Approval list way at the bottom and off screen unless they scroll down. The ability to move this Awaiting Approval list above the Workers List (as it's a much more time sensitive need) would be incredibly helpful as then it's right in their face when they log in to the system.

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  14. 5 votes

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  15. When you discharge a case remove all late items

    When you discharge a home or client, make all the late items disappear. Right now they stay there and you have to manually go in and remove them from your late tasks.

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  16. Require training hours - staff

    We would like required training hours added for staff. Currently for foster parents it is within "Organization Preferences>Settings>Foster Parent Training Hours". For staff we would like to be able to require hours tied to the Group they are attached to.

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  17. Mass Communication with Clients in RES and GCM databases

    It would be wonderful if we were able to do mass communication (email, text) with clients directly in the eR system and then that action would create a contact note for the client(s) on their file.

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  18. Inactivating supervisor staff profiles in er

    When inactivating a staff profile in eR for an employee that acts as a supervisor to other directs reports, the administrator should be prompted to reassign those direct reports to another supervisor, much like the alert to reassign cases when a caseworker's staff profile in inactivated. This should be done in both foster and GCM systems.

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  19. The ability to identify a form as a medical form on the GCM side of the system

    We should be able to mark a GCM form as medical like we can on the Residential side of the system. That way, we can specify which types of case notes or pieces of the client contact record we would like to pull or field code that type of information into a form.

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  20. Bot - Import information from PDF and Word documents into the families records

    I would like to import information into the families records from PDF and Word documents. This would save me time from inserting the information manually. This function would operate as a Bot. I would be able to revise the imported information for correctness and report any issues to ER for corrective actions.

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