Feedback/Ideas Forum
19 results found
Allow Workspace Customization
It would be great if our workers could modify their workspace on eR. It is overwhelming to see the long list of items due and past due on our workspace. Our workers don't necessarily need to see items that are due in 45 days. If each box/area on the user's workspace could have the option to minimize and maximize based on their own preference, that would be super awesome. It would also be nice to be able to move the boxes around so different sections could be in different places depending on what the worker wants to see at the…
137 votes -
"Re-Categorizing" Misfiled Activities/Reports
It would be great if there was a way to be able to "re-categorize" activities/reports. For example, when a foster parent submits something through the Foster Family Website, and files it in the wrong activity/report option, the worker would be able to re-select the appropriate activity/report without having to download the attachment, delete the current activity/report, create the correct activity/report, and then re-upload the attachment. Another example would be when staff file documentation under the wrong activity/report type.
70 votes -
Create more permission levels like KCare has
This needs to be broken down so that not everyone has to be made a system admin. They need to create more choices for permissions. Even simple billing things are not under the billing admin. My admin assistant, I can't get her to see financials like I need to.
51 votes -
Improve the email button functionality for reports. Allow the email subject line and body of the email to be modified before sending.
Instead of divulging the client's name in the subject line of the email. Allow for the protection of client confidentiality with the same functionality you have created with the email alerts; a check box to omit appending the client's name.
46 votes -
36 votes
35 votes
Prevent user from completing activity/report that still has pending external signatures
We would like to be able to configure an activity/report so that it cannot be marked as "Completed" if there are still pending external signature requests.
Sometimes a worker is unable to obtain an electronic signature that they sent out a signature request on but they do obtain a hard copy which they attach to the activity/report ...but they forget to revoke the signature request so it is then left as a pending signature request in the "Awaiting external signatures" list even though the activity/report has already been marked as completed. This means that you then have to go back…
34 votes -
Allow Primary Foster Home to have access to the child in FFW when child is on respite
Create a way to designate the child's "Primary Foster Home" in which the system maintains that the child is placed at that specific home- even when the child is temporarily out of the home (respite, hospital, etc). This allows the primary foster home to continue to have access to the child's files in the FFW but it also tracks the temporary out of home placement for billing purposes.
29 votes -
The font is 7.5....not good for those of us with OHS or Old Hag Syndrome....Can you guys please consider making the font larger....
Increase the font......7.5 only works for 20 and 30 something people...
24 votes -
Improve Search feature, rethink the need to select case, home, etc.
An improved, efficient, user friendly way to search system-wide to find clients, homes, staff, forms, settings, etc.
23 votes -
Add a User-Friendly Criteria-Builder for Email Alerts
Allow that user to specify a series of "and/or" + "true/false" statements that look at values and determine whether or not an email should be sent.
Also allow email alerts to have use this criteria to vary the senders list (i.e. sent to a supervisor only if this set of criteria is true)
18 votes -
Drag and Drop
Would like the ability to drag files from extendedReach to my desktop.
13 votes -
Actions triggered by a client's age / documents generated based on client's age
It would be nice if we could trigger certain documents to automatically generate based on a client's age. We have a form that gets filled out when a client turns 16. Also, when client's turn 18 we need to close and if something notified us a few weeks before, it would be helpful.
10 votesIt appears that age-based triggering is available in FC module, but may not be in the GCM module.
Family Website tab could have a lot more functionality
When a family uploads a document from the FFW, it shows up in the "Family Website" tab, saying "Note", when they uploaded, and the name of their document.
Unless they named the attachment beautifully, there's no way of knowing what document it is without opening the attachment. You also can't click on the Note to take you to the compliance item.
Can you:
1) Add a line in the Note that says the name of the Compliance item the upload was targeted for?
2) Make it so the item is clickable and takes you to the Compliance item to…8 votes -
Show Alerts on Home Page (and Mobile App Notifications) vs. just Email
Give users the option (on User Preferences screen) to have email alerts appear on their home page vs. receiving an email.
Alerts could be dismissed or an alert history could be maintained.
Support browser-based/mobile app notifications for events such as when a report is ready to review + approve.
7 votes -
Auditor access Case Management Module
It would be great to have an auditor profile in the Case Management Module. Auditors should only have access to documents that they are requesting or need to see instead of all documents.
7 votes -
Staff Permissions for Multiple Branches
We are able to set up staff access to multiple branches but there is currently no way to limit the staff to only view the branches they are assigned to. Currently they can see and access general information in branches that do not pertain to them. This would be a huge feature so staff do not see information that they do not need access to.
3 votes -
Allow admit to referral in between programs
Currently, you only have admit to another program and then you have to bump it back to a referral to keep a bunch of information. However, if anything has been billed, it will not let us bump it back to a referral which completely messes up our data in between programs. It even allows us to admit from residential as a referral but not from our own GCM programs on the same side. We have clients that step up and down in care all the time or get referred for one program level but qualify for a much higher level…
3 votes -
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