"Re-Categorizing" Misfiled Activities/Reports
It would be great if there was a way to be able to "re-categorize" activities/reports. For example, when a foster parent submits something through the Foster Family Website, and files it in the wrong activity/report option, the worker would be able to re-select the appropriate activity/report without having to download the attachment, delete the current activity/report, create the correct activity/report, and then re-upload the attachment. Another example would be when staff file documentation under the wrong activity/report type.

Shanda Maiolo commented
would be so helpful
Shanda Maiolo commented
would be so helpful.
Russ Yost commented
Yes I agree this would be nice. Another system we had used had a "void/re-copy" function, in which you could void a note, then re-copy the entire note with an on-screen button, make corrections and then save the corrected note.
abennett commented
I like this idea!!
AdminMatt Bidwell (Admin, extendedReach) commented
Ability to move a misfiled item to a different activity/report type.