Family Website tab could have a lot more functionality
When a family uploads a document from the FFW, it shows up in the "Family Website" tab, saying "Note", when they uploaded, and the name of their document.
Unless they named the attachment beautifully, there's no way of knowing what document it is without opening the attachment. You also can't click on the Note to take you to the compliance item.
Can you:
1) Add a line in the Note that says the name of the Compliance item the upload was targeted for?
2) Make it so the item is clickable and takes you to the Compliance item to view, complete or reject.
Note I realize that the primary worker can be emailed when the family uploads the item, which provides a direct link to the item. This is a less-efficient way of managing the uploads (one email at a time) than that "Family Web" tab.
Can you:
3) show the status of the item in that Family Web box? (Draft, Rejected, Completed) This would be even MORE helpful.