Print Training Certificates from Registered Training View and from Individual Traininings
Add button to print training certificates from registered attendees view.
Select attendees checkboxes and certificate would be generated/attached to appropriate document.
Create PDF with Agency Name (logo?), Course Name, Attendee(s) Name, Signature (pull from current user) - update workflow hisotry. Be able to batch print for all attendees; as well as auto-attach individual PDFs as attachments to the training record.
Nancy J. Torres commented
Yes, please!!!! We just had mandatory training for all parents, and uploading individual certificates to each family took too long.
This would be great for pre-service training as it is recurring. It also seems like it would tie off the task nicely after each training. Our training staff has to individually go into each family file to add certificates so that the caseworkers can see that training has been completed. There is a lot of back and forth. Creating the certificate after each training would be very helpful. Thank you!