Add an arrow button to move back and forth between the previous activity, report, files, etc.& ability to check multiple files to load once
Add arrow buttons that allow the person to click and go backwards to previous and forward to the next file, activity, report, etc. It is a hassle and time consuming. For example now when you go into clients file and click on, let's say the application, you then have to click on the link. The app populates a new tab. You then have to go back to the previous tab and return to case file, then find the other file you need from that client click on it. It is to much and not very productive. Having the option to go to the next file in that clients case file while in one eliminates a lot of time lost looking for things in the chaos. Also have the option to click on multiple files in the case file and have them load at the same time would also increase productivity.
Jennifer commented
This is something needed in both modules.