Activity Triggered, nested in-screen Report Types
We have a Participant Outcomes report type that we created to make it quick and easy for our workers to record non-goal outcomes, for the folks they support. Attached form guidance I sent out to the team for reference. This form records information almost ALWAYS that is learned/gathered during one of a many different Activity Types we've built for workers to account for time and add detail about the encounter with the people we serve.
The feature I am requesting is that we be able to choose a setting to "Nest" this form into multiple Activities so the user will only need to complete their documentation via the single page.
Even better would be if it could be displayed based on an existing field condition.
The current functionality requires we add these fields to each of the related activities (SO MUCH labor and upkeep)
Trigger it using the built-in trigger options (current options limit what we can use to trigger it, and every "related activity" does not result in an outcome.
This would save hours of admin time while improving our ability to report the outcomes of the great work our staff is doing to our funders and government organizations.