Create easy access to shared files or blank PDF forms by placing them on Compliance tab next to each required item.
Move or link blank PDF or Word files to the Compliance Tab requirements similar to configurator forms. This will increase easy of finding documents that need printed and filled out.
Example: I'm on the phone with a Foster Parent. They are looking at the Family Website and see a red compliance item on their checklist. They click on it to find the form, similar to configurator forms, but nothing appears because it is a PDF or Word document. Instead of having the parent search for the form list, have a small document link next to the red compliance bullet. Click the link and "boom" the blank form appears and can be printed, filled out, and uploaded to the same place. I love the red bullets.
This should also be applied throughout extendedReach, so when we are looking at a red compliance bullet, the blank form is handy for staff to print, download, or email to parents or staff.
Thank you for considering.
Emily Anthony commented
This would be super helpful! Right now we accomplish it by using the titles, but this would clean it up quite a bit. It would also be great if they could view/download the completed document right in the list rather than scrolling down to the document section below their checklist. Our compliance checklist is quite long, so I am not sure that families know to go all the way down there to view copies of their documents.