Rejected Docuents List
A list for rejeted documents so when you submit multiple documents to your supervisor, you can see on the main screen if it was Rejected instead of looking through each client that you have.

Devon Hall commented
Can we get a "My Workspaces" for our non supervisory staff so that they can see our rejected reports and activities? It's difficult for them to keep up with all the emails when they are using their email for so much already even when we have added a rule to our email that all eR alerts go into it's own folder, it would be easier while they are working in eR to see a work list similar to our "Awaiting Approvals" list for when we reject their work.
Devon Hall commented
I completely agree. I just went in the back of the system - as I call it - and saw a whole lot of rejections just sitting there. My case managers get so many emails a day it's not enough to alert their email they need those rejections in their face daily when they log into eR. PLEASE make this happen!! It would be so helpful as a Supervisor as well since I can view their workspace
Susan Dudley commented
We at CFC totally agree. Many reports are rejected by the sup as the report notifies the supervisor of an issue ( I am thinking about incident reports) asap but the sup rejects as we may be waiting on reports that need to be added (follow up visits after an ED visit etc) before the IR is closed out.
Evey Baskin commented
This would be a very helpful tool for staff. Within Buckner, we've received multiple request for this enhancements over the past year. Within the past month, I've received at least 5 staff requesting this functionality. A worthwhile enhancement for sure, which would definitely help staff more effectively manage their cases.
Joseph Marin commented
Is it possible to get a section on “My Workspace,” when cases notes, reports, etc. have been rejected by our supervisor?